
Kick-off Meeting

A successful kick-off meeting was held in Bitola, Macedonia from 29 March till 1 of April, 2019, for the groundbreaking project titled “Innovative Coaching Makes the Difference.” The meeting brought together 10 representatives from partner organizations hailing from Kenya, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Italy, Vietnam, India and virtually Kenya. This event marked a significant milestone in the project’s timeline, setting the stage for future steps and activities aimed at empowering young individuals through innovative coaching techniques.
The kick-off meeting served as an invaluable opportunity for all participants to engage in meaningful discussions and establish a shared vision for the project’s objectives. The representatives from diverse organizations, renowned for their expertise in youth development, enthusiastically exchanged ideas, experiences, and best practices in order to create a solid foundation for collaboration and impactful outcomes.
During the four-day meeting, the attendees deliberated on the project’s key focus areas, exploring ways to address the pressing challenges faced by young people in today’s society. The discussions centered around the utilization of innovative coaching methods to unlock the full potential of youth and equip them with the necessary skills for personal and professional success.
The collaborative spirit that permeated the kick-off meeting fostered an environment conducive to fruitful brainstorming and strategic planning. The representatives shared their insights on effective coaching techniques and identified potential areas for intervention and support, tailored to the unique needs of young individuals in their respective countries.
The meeting resulted in the establishment of a comprehensive roadmap, outlining the project’s future steps and activities. It includes the development of coaching frameworks, the integration of traditional games as educational tools, and the implementation of capacity-building initiatives for youth workers. These initiatives aim to enhance the quality of youth work and facilitate the positive integration of young people into the labor market, ultimately fostering a stronger sense of identity and personal growth.
The “Innovative Coaching Makes the Difference” project embodies a collaborative approach, transcending borders and cultural differences, to tackle the challenges faced by young individuals on a global scale. The involvement of representatives from Kenya, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Italy, Vietnam, and India adds a rich and diverse perspective, ensuring the project’s relevance and impact across various contexts.
As the project progresses, it is poised to make a substantial difference in the lives of countless young people, equipping them with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of the modern world. By harnessing the power of innovative coaching, this project seeks to empower young individuals to reach their full potential, fostering positive change in communities around the world.

Training Course

From 2 July till 11 July 2019, a dynamic and transformative Training Course for youth workers was successfully conducted as part of the project “Innovative Coaching makes the Difference.” The course, held in in Tusa, Italya, brought together 32 representatives from organizations in Kenya, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Italy, Vietnam and India. The participants were equipped with valuable tools and techniques for effectively coaching young people using traditional games.
The Training Course aimed to address the growing need for innovative approaches in youth work, especially in the context of coaching. By incorporating traditional games as a powerful educational tool, the course sought to enhance the capacities of youth workers in engaging, motivating, and guiding young individuals.
Throughout the intensive 10-day program, the participants engaged in a series of interactive workshops, practical exercises, and insightful discussions. Led by experienced trainers and experts in youth development, the course provided a comprehensive exploration of coaching methodologies, tailored to the specific cultural contexts represented by the participating countries.
The training emphasized the significance of traditional games as non-formal education tools. By using these games, youth workers can foster essential life skills, promote teamwork and cooperation, and create a nurturing environment for personal growth. The participants learned how to effectively integrate traditional games into their coaching sessions, enabling young people to develop key competencies such as problem-solving, communication, leadership, and adaptability.
Furthermore, the Training Course facilitated valuable cross-cultural exchanges among the participants, allowing them to share experiences, perspectives, and best practices from their respective countries. This collaborative environment not only enriched their learning journey but also created opportunities for future partnerships and international cooperation in youth work.
The success of the Training Course was reflected in the positive feedback from the participants, who expressed their enthusiasm and confidence in implementing the acquired coaching techniques in their organizations and communities. They highlighted the relevance of traditional games in engaging and empowering young people, and the potential for these innovative coaching approaches to make a lasting difference in their respective regions.
The project “Innovative Coaching makes the Difference” aims to promote the quality of youth work and youth empowerment by leveraging the transformative power of coaching and traditional games. The Training Course marked a significant milestone in achieving this goal, equipping youth workers with the necessary tools and techniques to positively impact the lives of young individuals

Study Visits

The “Innovative Coaching Makes the Difference” project has embarked on an exciting initiative to promote youth development and empowerment through innovative coaching techniques. As part of this endeavor, a 15-day job shadowing program was organized in Kenya, Italy, and Vietnam, allowing youth workers from partner organizations to engage in participative observation, skill-building, and knowledge exchange.
The job shadowing program served as a platform for building skills and expertise among youth workers, fostering a collaborative environment where they could learn from one another’s experiences and approaches. It provided a unique opportunity to witness firsthand the diverse cultural contexts, challenges, and successful practices related to youth work in each country.
In Kenya, the participating youth worker had the chance to immerse themselve in the local communities and observe the innovative coaching methods implemented by the host organization. They learned about the strategies employed to address youth unemployment, promote entrepreneurship, and facilitate personal and professional development. Through this participative observation, the youth workers gained valuable insights into the unique challenges faced by Kenyan youth and the approaches used to support their growth and success.
Italy offered another enriching experience for the job shadowing program. The youth workers had the opportunity to observe and engage with Italian organizations that excel in youth work. They witnessed the implementation of coaching programs that promote social inclusion, employability, and leadership skills among young individuals. By exchanging expertise and best practices with their Italian counterparts, the participating youth workers broadened their perspectives and gained valuable knowledge to enhance their own coaching approaches.
The job shadowing experience in Vietnam was equally transformative. The youth workers were exposed to the innovative coaching practices employed by Vietnamese organizations to support young people in various aspects of their lives. They witnessed the power of coaching in fostering personal growth, career development, and social participation among Vietnamese youth. The exchange of ideas and experiences during this period not only enriched the participating youth workers but also contributed to the development of effective coaching strategies for the local context.
The 15-day job shadowing program in Kenya, Italy, and Vietnam served as a catalyst for professional growth, cross-cultural understanding, and the exchange of innovative coaching practices. It provided a platform for youth workers to witness the positive impact of coaching on young individuals in different cultural settings. The participative observation allowed for a deep understanding of local challenges, successful approaches, and the potential for adaptation in their own communities.
The “Innovative Coaching Makes the Difference” project recognizes the immense value of such study visits and job shadowing experiences in promoting skill-building, knowledge exchange, and global collaboration in the field of youth work. By embracing the power of participative observation and sharing best practices, the project aims to enhance the effectiveness of coaching interventions and ultimately make a lasting difference in the lives of young people.
Through initiatives like these, the project is paving the way for a more inclusive and empowering future for youth worldwide. By capitalizing on the expertise and experiences of diverse cultures, the “Innovative Coaching Makes the Difference” project is contributing to the growth and success of youth workers and, in turn, the positive development of young individuals in communities around the globe.

Local Activities

The Local Testing Workshops served as a crucial platform for applying and fine-tuning the coaching principles and methods acquired through the training course. These workshops took place three times per week in each project country, offering ample opportunities for youth workers to engage with local youth and assess the applicability and impact of the coaching techniques. By actively involving young people in the testing process, the workshops provided valuable insights into the effectiveness and practicality of the coaching methods in real-world scenarios.
During these workshops, youth workers closely observed and interacted with the youngsters, evaluating their responses and collecting feedback. This iterative approach allowed for necessary adjustments and improvements to the coaching principles and methods, ensuring their relevance and effectiveness in addressing the needs of the local youth. The collaborative nature of the workshops fostered a sense of ownership among youth workers, empowering them to actively contribute to the development of the Coaching Toolkit.
Local Seminars: Sharing Project Outputs and Techniques
In addition to the Local Testing Workshops, Local Seminars were conducted in all project countries. These seminars served as platforms for sharing project outputs and working techniques with 30 local counterparts, including other youth organizations, educators, and stakeholders. The seminars facilitated the exchange of knowledge and experiences, promoting collaborative learning and the dissemination of successful coaching approaches.
During the Local Seminars, project outputs, such as the Coaching Toolkit and its various components, were presented and demonstrated to the participants. Youth workers showcased the practical applications of the coaching principles and methods, highlighting their impact on youth empowerment and development. This sharing of insights and techniques not only enriched the knowledge base of local counterparts but also encouraged them to incorporate effective coaching strategies into their own practices.
Through interactive presentations, discussions, and workshops, the Local Seminars facilitated the dissemination of the innovative coaching approaches developed within the project. Participants had the chance to learn from each other’s experiences, gain new perspectives, and explore ways to further enhance their coaching practices. The Local Seminars played a vital role in strengthening the network of youth workers and fostering a sense of community among those committed to making a difference in the lives of young individuals.
Conclusion: The Local Testing Workshops and Local Seminars held within the project “Innovative Coaching makes the Difference” have been instrumental in advancing coaching principles and methods for the benefit of young people. By actively testing and adjusting coaching techniques in the Local Testing Workshops, youth workers have been able to refine their skills and improve the effectiveness of their support. The Local Seminars, on the other hand, have facilitated knowledge sharing, collaboration, and the dissemination of project outputs, thereby creating a vibrant community of youth workers dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of young individuals. Together, these activities have played a crucial role in paving the way for innovative coaching practices that truly make a difference in the lives of young people.

Final Conference

The “Innovative Coaching makes the Difference” project ended with virtual online conference held on 19 December 2022. The conference served as a platform to share the final project results and engage in a comprehensive evaluation of the project’s impact and achievements.
The “Innovative Coaching makes the Difference” project,  aimed to revolutionize the field of youth work by integrating innovative coaching approaches and traditional games as tools for personal and professional development.
The virtual online conference brought together an international audience of youth workers, educators, policymakers, and stakeholders who have been closely involved with the project. The event served as a platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and reflection on the project’s outcomes.
During the conference, the project team shared the final project results, highlighting the transformative impact of innovative coaching and the integration of traditional games in youth work. Presentations and workshops showcased success stories, best practices, and lessons learned, providing valuable insights and inspiration for future youth work initiatives.
One of the significant highlights of the conference was the evaluation of the project’s effectiveness and sustainability. Through rigorous assessment and feedback collection, the project team gained valuable insights into the strengths, challenges, and potential areas for improvement. This evaluation process will contribute to the continuous enhancement and refinement of coaching practices and ensure the long-term success of similar projects in the future.
As the virtual online conference concluded, project partners expressed their gratitude to all participants, stakeholders, and supporters for their active engagement and contributions throughout the project’s duration. The project team looks forward to the continued collaboration and the application of the project’s outcomes to further strengthen youth work and empower young individuals worldwide.